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发表于 2006-10-12 11:10:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
,Toxemia Explained (The Cause of all Disease) By J。H。Tilden , M。D。, 1851~1941。
';'; ALL sickness, all disease and all death is caused by the progressive accumulation of toxemia (poison) in the body and in the blood。"
To know this one simple cause puts the layman superior to the whole of " orthodox medicine';'; and medical superstition 。 The nomenclature of disease and the artificial arrangement of diseases is at the heart of modern medicine 。 But the so-called, sciences of symptomotology, disease, diagnosis, etiology, and the treatment of disease go back to superstition and mythology for their foundation。
The medical profession is a rigid discipline build upon scientific assumption and presumption embellishing medical fallacies under literary polish 。 One unforgivable professional deviation is to think independently, less it think itself out of existence 。
In the western world, life and death is commercialization。 A small and privileged order of men create a medical myth and make it an industry into a belief system, shroud it in mystery and superstition and build an empire of wealth。 They enlist government, politicians and bureaucrats to protect it and enforce it 。
The philosophy of modern medicine is that there are many diseases creating the need for many medication (drugs) 。 The more diseases that can be imagined, the more drugs are sold。
Dr。 Benjamin Rush, M。D。, singer of the Declaration of Independence, brought distinction to medical science。 He warned of the disease should not be multiplied into many artificial arrangement of diseases。"The physician who can cure one disease by a knowledge of its principles may by the same means cure all the disease of the human body; for their cause are the same。 We have assisted in multiplying disease。 We have done more--we have increased their mortality。" Dr。 Benjamin Rush。
All symptoms of all so-called diseases have one origin。 All diseases are one。According to Toxemia Explained, every so-called disease is a crisis of toxemia 。 This means that toxins have accumulated in the blood above the toleration point。 Drugging sickness checks elimination from cleaning house。 Every so-called disease is a complex of symptoms signifying a crisis of toxemia。
The philosophy of medical science is to fight every imaginary disease with drugs。 The more diseases that can be created, the more drugs are sold。 All drugs accumulate as toxemia in the human body, interfering with nature';s healing until we die of drug poison。 Millions have died of drug poisoning without even a question。 This willingness to die on the altar of medical superstition is one very great reason why no real improvement is made in fundamental medical science。 When the people demand education---not medication, vaccination, and immunization--- they will get it 。
If as Dr。J。H。 Tilden says that toxemia, the accumulation of poison in the blood and body, is the cause of all disease, then the solution is to stop taking poison like drugs and junk commercial food into the body。 Then make sure that we cooperate with nature and healing by purging toxemia with natural fiber。 This is indeed a simple and powerful way to take charge of your (our) own health。 By flushing the colon, we flush toxemia。
上篇论文摘自于THE BOB LIVINGSTON LETTEH杂志---P。O BOX110013---Birmingham, Alabama 35211 , March 2001
这位西医是早期的美国西医 , 我读完此论文后 , 十分赞佩此人敢说这话 , 同时又惊讶于他没读过中医学 , 居然会了解到同样的病根可能会造成许多不同的疾病 , 真正的能治好病的医师可以用同样的方法治好许多表面上看起来不同的疾病 , 但是实际上其起因是一样的 , 这与我说的红斑性狼疮与乳癌脑瘤淋巴癌肺癌肝癌血癌等这类癌症因为它们的来源相同 , 所以我使用同样的中药来治是一样的道理 , 我阅览过美国许多早期的西医所写的论文 , 他们可称是大师级的 , 一点都不为过 , 做一位科学家必须向群众说真话 , 是不?我有两本书介绍给读者 , 是英文版的 1。 Confessions of a Medical Heretic --- Robert S 。 Mendelsohn, M。D。 此书是西医学的权威所著 , 内容把西医骂透了 , 比我有过之而无不及 , 全书在美国已经销售超过30万册 。 2。 Inventing The AIDS Virus ---Peter H。 Duesberg M。D PH。D 此人是德裔美籍西医学博士 , 于!979年本来因该获得诺贝尔医学奖 , 但是他发表出这书 , 他认为做一名科学家应该说实话 , 所以写了此书 , 书中提出至少超过1500个以上的生化科技验证 , 证明AIDS是无害的 , 结果被西药厂与政客封杀 , 于是由另一名研究AIDS的医学博士拿去 , 因为他愿意背着良心说假话 , 他说AIDS是致命的 , 所以须要药物如AZT,DDI等 , 于是他就获得诺贝尔医学奖 , 为名为利而取得任何殊荣 , 不是我的个性 , 也不是当医师的梦 , 我的梦是希望全人类都不受到疾病的威胁 , 所以才当医师的 , 否则我真不想做医师了 , 与我有同样的理想的一定非常多 , 诸如我的好友美国生化专家张蕴芝博士 , 她是台湾留美取得化工博士的极优秀的科学家 , 她就是属于在西医背后没没耕芸的杰出生化学家 , 她与我就有同样的梦 , 我与她虽然在不同领域中工作 , 理想是一样的 , 但是她也无法确保在她前面工作的医师都有道德良心 , 所以我个人一直都很钦佩西医学幕后工作者的付出与辛劳 , 幕前执业的西医却只是坐想其成果的受益者 , 西医师发布的医学论文很多其实是出自她们 , 自己却在海边享受阳光 , 真正对西医学有贡献的是她们 , 实在是不公平不合理的制度 。
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