[这个贴子最后由caoxibai在 2004/03/05 10:21pm 第 1 次编辑]
一)很多人对小姐有一个相同的疑问,为什么这些花季少女愿意做小姐。金钱对于她们真的那么重要吗? 这是一组记录边缘少女生活轨迹的图片。
The Pictures of the at-risk teenage girls in China.
Almost every night, Rongrong hung out at bars till midnight. Rong's parents got divorced when she was a little girl, then none of them took care of her. Rong said, "No one can stop me from getting out of the home now because I've been used to the free lifestyle of being on my own. Even if they lock me at home, I'll break the door to get out. I really have a bad temper.
Rongrong makes many friends outside, most have dropped out of school. She smokes almost one pack of cigarettes everyday
There are many teenage girls like Rongrong out on the street.
Rongrong is too young to find a job. Her only source of income is from her parents who can hardly cover her luxury lifestyle. Rongrong admires those big brothers and sisters who can earn money for themselves and buy fancy clothes.
有一天,一个年龄稍大的女孩告诉她们一个轻松的赚钱方法,到歌舞厅陪客人唱歌跳舞。她说:反正又不做什么,就陪客人唱唱歌,跳跳舞。一晚可以挣一百块钱。蓉蓉她们都知道,那种职业叫 "坐台" 。
Then one day, one of her big sisters tells her and her friends an easy way of making money, " escorting the guests in nightclubs." She said, " It's not hard work. You just need to sing Karaoke and dance with the men, and you can earn 100 RMB every night", Rongrong knew that's called escorting, which in Chinese is called "zhuotai".
Rongrong didn't want to be an escort girl at first because that sort of work has a bad reputation. Then one day she lost her purse, or she was itchy for fancy clothes. Anyway, she went to work in the nightclub for one night and earned $100 RMB
For similar reasons, Rongrong went there again, and again. Though some customers ran their hands on her, she didn't offer them any sex service. Most customers like new faces in the nightclub, and they would like to pay more for new girls like Rongrong. Rongrong thought this is really an easy way of making money
Then, Rongrong's teen pals also began to get in the business. Gradually, they all felt it was easy to make money this way, and they can earn money to buy fancy clothes and play around. Lots of people know that Rongrong and her friends have became "Zuotai girls".
Rongrong spend more time out at night. She come back home only to change her clothes once a week.
2004-03-01 10:03:25Re:边缘少女
六)蓉蓉和其他坐台小姐们开始攀比谁的衣服时髦,谁泡的客人有钱。开始,蓉蓉并不给客人提供色 情服务。行话叫'' 出 台"。虽然她知道许多三陪小姐做这种事。她们每晚能挣得数倍于她的钱。
Rongrong and her pals compete to make the most money, Rongrong didn't go out sleeping with customers in their hotels at first, though she knew many "Zuotai girls" offer sex service and earn way much more than she did.
慢慢的,蓉蓉的生意没有象以前那么好了,因为不断有新的小姐出现,而且许多客人来这里并不只是想唱歌跳舞。这时一个出台的小姐就劝蓉蓉:你在外面不就是想挣钱吗?反正你坐台也是一样的名声。跟客人做一次也没什么大不了的。你不趁年青挣够钱难道要在这里做一辈子小姐? "。
Rongrong's business began to deteriorate. There always came in some
new faces in the nightclubs, besides, most customers come here not only for singing and dancing, but asking for sex services. " Money! You work here for money". One big sister said to Rongrong, "You have got the same reputation as those sex service girls, huh? So why not do it yourself? Earn as much as you can while you are young because you can't stay here for your whole life, right?"
Many customers want to pay big money if Rongrong slept with them, because they know she is hard to give in.
I don't know if Rongrong went out with those customers or not. But I know many teen girls out there are facing the same dilemma, and most of them choose to give in, "Money talks", they said.
蓉蓉后来经常喝酒,经常在酒吧泡男孩,也经常爱笑。当我问她长大以后的打算时,她的回答和许多半夜不回家女孩的回答一样," 等我玩够了再说。"
Rongrong began to get drunk a lot at night, but She still kept her lovely smile on her face. When I asked about her plans in the future, her answer didn't surprise me, "Enjoy myself", she said.
.....《菜根谭》里有一句话:“声妓晚景从良,一世之烟花无碍; 贞妇白头失守,半生之清苦俱非。”
...... 妓女问题是心中的不安
...... 在广东时,中大的朋友安排我去珠江三角洲走一走,他们告诉我那里差不多有一百万的妓女,妓女那么多我心里很不安,因为妓女的年纪就像我的女儿一样。她们出来去找工作只有几百块,但是当那一种三陪女郎,每一个晚上都可以有一两百块,她们当然走这一条路。但是她们心灵受了伤害怎么办呢?我心想全国可能有一千万到两千万妓女,他们很多从农村出来,没有文化没有技术,男的只能当劳工。我在黄山看到劳工搬石头上山,他一天只搬一块石头上山,赚几十块钱,他们都很瘦很黑。我在新加坡也见过很多中国劳工在那一边工作,都是非常自卑的人,因为他们没有文化,惟一关心他们的是海外的华人教会,他们有一次几百人听我演讲,是教会请我去,我讲完下去和他们握手,他们都很惊讶:怎么上头讲话的人会下来跟他们握手?他们离开的时候坐一些巴士,拉一车一车的人,我就跟他们挥手,他们马上就跟我挥手。我已经体会过男的劳工,女的出来呢?好看一点的就走美容美发去帮人洗头了,不好看一点的就到卡拉OK去当三陪女了,这一个是很严重的社会问题,他们受的心灵伤害是很深的,当然她们可能赚到钱,但是她们一生不能弥补她心中的痛苦,她们的尊严受了伤,这个谁来关怀呢?说实话是没有人来关怀的。那些客人都会笑她骂她,看不起她,只是要占据她们的肉体,没有人关心他们的心灵。这些人怎么办?
...... 过去我曾经在香港帮助过戒毒的工作,我是一个研究哲学的人,我不愿意自己成为那一种抽象的哲学家,只是研究一些高深莫测的问题。这些方面我也写书,也想一些问题,但是我觉得我不能停在那里,要到生活的现场里面去反省。吸毒不止是心理的问题,而是心灵的问题,我帮助戒毒的人的时候,通过心理的辅导,关键要重建他的信念,让他觉得人生有意义。我也帮助过一些很老的妓女,六十岁,七十岁的,当妓女当了几十年的人,没有了尊严的人。对这些人,我也心中永远有不安。中国现在这些人这么多怎么办呢?不像香港有很多机构来帮助她们。我就跑到北京中华慈善总会见阎明复会长,他说只能通过防艾滋病和反吸毒来帮助他们,因为没有直接帮助妓女的工作。