传统中医=Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)吗?
如果上述等式大家认可,那下面公布在美国nccam.nih.gov网上的“Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)”定义你们认同吗?
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use herbs, acupuncture, and other methods to treat a wide range of conditions. In the United States, TCM is considered part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
Traditional Chinese medicine, which encompasses many different practices, is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Taoism and dates back more than 5,000 years. Today, TCM is practiced side by side with Western medicine in many of China';s hospitals and clinics.
各位中医同仁、中医药大学的同学们:大家好好想想,我们的发展方向应该是什么?[/watermark] |