Conceptual differences in Human diseases and the Erroneous
deviations in Clinical Medicine
澳大利亚 悉尼 张有和 ZHANG You-he Sydney, Australia
[内容提要] 疾病与疾病的诊断,两者之间是客观存在与主观认识的关系。两者观念的混淆,不仅让世界上每天数百万人〝无病呻吟〞,使中医学蒙受〝不科学〞的百年之冤,也让世人患病时,失去了很多治愈或改善的机会。
[关键词] 疾病观念 偏差 临床医学 误区
Abstract:The diagnoses of diseases rely on two different yet interrelated perspectives:objective existence and subjective cognition of the disease. However, these two concepts of understanding towards diagnosis are indistinct and confused. Such confusion not only lead to millions of people worldwide “moan” about their body health without definite clues, for over hundred of years it also tarnishes the reputation of Chinese Medicine as being “Non-Scientific”. Due to such misunderstanding people are deprived of the opportunity in seeking better cure or improvement regarding their body health.
Keywords: Concept of disease, Erroneous deviation, Clinical Medicine
A disease or medical condition is an abnormality of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, distress ,or death to the person afflicted or those in contact with the person .Sometimes the term is used broadly to include injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts these may be considered distinguishable categories. In the narrow sense, a disease is the invasion of the body by pathogens.