Abstract: The best scrutiny to demonstrate any Medical theories should be based on their Clinical Practices. This is the key difference between the intrinsic qualities of Chinese and Western Medicine.The strength of Western Medicine is powerful in applying “ contemporary pathological etiology ”. It keeps pace with times and takes the advantage of modern medical technologies. Western Medicine, however, may have overlooked considerable amount of clinical signs and symptoms. It can therefore delay possible timely treatment and effective diagnosis.
Chinese Medicine relies on Signs and Symptoms. This Differentiation of Syndromes is based on the reflection of one’s hot/cold, excess/deficient conditions. Through more than two thousands of years of clinical practice, Chinese Medicine has accumulated considerable amount of remarkable clinical experience.Through such historical development, Chinese Medicine has objectively established a modern medical system and contribute a different meaning to Holistic and Individual differences. The position of this branch of discipline is “ Correspondence of Kilter Medicine ”The clinical practices and academic achievements between Chinese and Western Medicine can mutually supplement each other. Neither one of them should intend to substitute one another.
【关键词】本质区别 现代病因病理医学 状态应对医学
[Key words]
Differences of intrinsic qualities , Contemporary pathological etiology, Correspondence of Kilter Medicine