[内容提要] 中医学能够复兴的原因在于:(1)它揭示了人类临床医学中状态病存在的普遍性,和建构了自成体系的诊疗方法,且其它医学方法不能取代;(2)它不仅有广泛的临床实践价值,且能治愈或改善诸多西医难治和不治的疾病。
The theoretical foundations in the survival of Chinese Medicine
[Abstract] The reasons in supporting the survival of Chinese medicine include:
(1) Chinese medicine reveals that various body kilters are widely existent in clinical practice. Chinese Medicine establishes its unique diagnostic and therapeutic systems and they are irreplaceable by any other medical systems. (2) Generally, Chinese Medicine exhibits its practical value in clinical practices and is capable of improving various diseases that are difficult to treat or inurable by Western Medicine.
Keywords: Chinese medicine, survival, theory